The Anatomy of a White Liberal

January 20, 2011

The Anatomy of a White Liberal

By Joe Rebel

     I have white liberal family members and acquaintances whom I thank of very fondly. That being said, I truly do believe deep down in my heart that most white liberals are truly good and decent people. They really are. I don’t believe that many of them are intentionally trying to destroy Western Civilization and the race that created it. The problem is that 1) They are very naïve when it comes to race relations and 2) they do not see the consequeces that will become when whites do become (Heaven forbid) a minority in the Western nations.

     I can’t be mad at white liberals too much, though from time to time my first thought would be to walk up to them and shake them while saying “wake the hell up! Can’t you see that massive third world immigration is completely destroying our country?” From the cradle, they are conditioned like Pavlov’s dogs that any type of racial pride or feelings towards one’s own kindred is not only wrong, but completely immoral. This type of thinking has been drilled into them in their homes, schools, and churches.

From  John Locke’s idea of tabula rasa, They have come to believe that it is not genetics but environment that determines one’s behavior. Other principles that they have been taught from their “learned” educators  that have shaped their type of mindset are the ideas that “we are all equal,” “colors only skin deep,” “there is no such thing as race,” etc. The list goes on and on.

Already feeling ashamed of being white and constantly browbeaten from numerous guilt  lectures about slavery to the Holocaust, they are only more than willing to do what they can to correct past mistakes (whether partially true or imaginary) that they feel their race is guilty of committing, whether it’s championing minority right’s to even adopting nonwhite children. The more dedicated of white liberals will take a nonwhite spouse or encourage their children to do so.

White liberals have a heightened sense of sentimentality about them. The idea of poverty and warfare in the third world makes them tear up, so they donate sums of money to foreign aid and do humanitarian peace work for Amnesty International in a effort to help underdeveloped countries, all the while completely ignoring the needs of their own race.

The idea of the decline of both the white race and Occidental culture is neither a concern for them or something that they believe will never ever happen (at least not in their lifetime). To them, even if that is the case, then so be it. After all, they have been taught all of their lives that their race has oppressed and massacred people of color for centuries, so what is the point of trying perserve that which you hate? Like lambs to the slaughter, they willingly accept their fate as if it was written in stone.

Multiculturalism to a white liberal is like a drug, for they continue to scream for more and more of it, not thinking about the consequences that might befall later on as our country becomes swamped by those with a strong sense of kindred loyalty and a deep-seated hatred for the West. Having been taught about equality all their lives, they ignore I.Q. differences, human biodiversity, and black-on-white crime rate statistics as relevant.  They truly believe that once the United States and other Western countries are no longer predominately white, that all will just be peaches and cream. But this is not the case.

Much like the ending of Jean Raspails classic The Camp of the Saints, as most of the West is swamped by third world immigrants, eventually the same nonwhites turn on the same white liberals who welcomed them into their countries with open arms.

    The same goes for the new South Africa. white liberal activist worked alongside with blacks in order to end Apartheid that had been in effect from 1948 to 1993. Now these same blacks are showing their gratitude by robbing, raping, and murdering the white Boer minority, commiting horrible, unspeakable atrocities to vile to mention. This was their reward for trying to end the "racist" apartheid system, a system which kept fellow whites from black harm for decades in the first place.

    In the end, white liberals will get all the multiculturalism they desire, but it might just cost them and their childrens own lives.


I'm Back

January 12, 2011


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Right Wing Hate? Or Just More Media Hype?

January 12, 2011

I don't watch that much television anymore and that especially includes the mainstream news, but I have to admit that I have been eagerly listening to it the last few days in regarding to the shooting in Tucson, Arizona last Saturday in which 19 people were shot (six dead, 14 wounded). When I first heard the story, I immediately thought it was just some other white individual who was fed up with the system and had reached the end of his rope. This was not to be the case.

The most coverage has ...
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To All Readers

December 8, 2010
I'm going to take a few weeks hiatus to spend time with my family. I hope everyone has a happy holiday and I'll be back in a few weeks. Take care folks.
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A Response To Criticism Part 1

November 30, 2010

by Joe Rebel

(These are my own personal views and some may disagree with me on a few things. But overall, I think most will agree the majority of what is written).

Whenever any of us or any other white dares speak out against multiculturalism, we get shouted down and are name-called simply because we are standing up for a cause that that is worth fighting for. We've heard it all and probably been called it all and maybe even a hell lot worse. But now, it is time to respond back to these c...

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About Me

One politically incorrect guy from the deep south.


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