Just to tell you a little bit about myself, I am a racially-conscious white Christian male from the deep south who is concerned about the changing face of North America, as well as around the Western world. White people are now 8% of the world population, as opposed to being about 28% in the 1950s. White birthrates are the lowest as opposed to nonwhites, in which we have a birthrate of only 1.2 children for every two parents of European descent. Is multiculturalism (or perhaps better called multiracialism) really worth it?

As a white nationalist and a "self-proclaimed" racial conservationist, I believe in true diversity, which recognizes racial difference and wishes for those differences to be maintained as opposed to liberals, multiracialists, and International Jewry (yes I said Jews) who feel that all races should be mongrelized to become a cinnamon-skin colored people with no true identity. Miscegenation of the races is nothing more but playing God and mocking nature.

Mankind is divided into three racial groups: Caucasians (whites), Negroes (blacks), and Orientals or Turanians (Asians), and then of course there are several different varieties of subraces within each race and ethnicities that are mixtures of all the major racial groups. Besides each race having different physical and genetical traits, each race has their own strengths and weaknesses. Whereas one race is better at doing some things, other races have a harder time of performing as well and vice versa. And then there are cultural/historical differences that apply as well.

I fight for my race not because I hate other races, but to perserve my own white heritage and culture, which in turn allows other races to perserve their own heritage and culture as well. The solution is not more and more forced integration, but seperation. Only racial conservationism can save our people from extinction.

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